Statistics 133: Concepts in Computing with Data

UC Berkeley, Spring 2024

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Week 1

About Overview Unit 1: Introduction
Jan 17 Lecture Welcome to Stat 133 (slides)
Jan 18 Labwork Lab 1: Intro to R, RStudio, and Quarto notebooks
Jan 19 Lecture R Housekeeping (slides)

Week 2

About Overview Unit 2: R Vectors
Jan 22 Lecture Vectors, part 1 (slides) Demo
Jan 24 Lecture Vectors, part 2 (slides) Demo
Jan 25 Labwork Lab 2: Vectors
Jan 26 Shiny Shiny Friday: Old Faithful (default app)
Homework HW 1: Vectors

Week 3

About Overview Unit 3: R Matrices and Lists
Jan 29 Lecture Matrices (slides) Demo
Jan 31 Lecture Lists (slides) Demo
Feb 01 Labwork Lab 3: Lists and Matrices
Feb 02 Shiny Shiny Friday: Future Value Video
Homework HW 2: Lists and Matrices

Week 4

About Overview Unit 4: Simple Functions and Conditionals
Feb 05 Lecture Intro to Functions (slides) Demo
Feb 07 Lecture If-else statements (slides) Demo
Feb 08 Labwork Lab 4: Functions and Conditionals
Feb 09 Shiny Shiny Friday: Old Faithful (enriched) Video
Homework HW 3: Functions

Week 5

About Overview Unit 5: Tables and Tidyverse (part 1)
Feb 12 Lecture Data Tables in R (slides)
Feb 14 Lecture Graphics with ggplot2 (slides) Demo
Feb 15 Labwork Lab 5a: Intro to ggplot2
Labwork2 Lab 5b: Shiny app Old Faithful w/ggplot2
Feb 16 Shiny Shiny Friday: graphics with ggplot Video
Homework HW4: Graphics with ggplot2

Week 6

About Overview Unit 6: Tables and Tidyverse (part 2)
Feb 19 Lecture Academic Holiday (no class)
Feb 21 Lecture Manipulating tables with dplyr (slides) Demo
Feb 22 Labwork Lab 6: Intro to dplyr
Feb 23 Shiny Shiny Friday: Top-n mtcars Video
Homework HW5: Data Wrangling

Week 7

About Overview Unit 7: Iterations and Loops
Feb 26 Lecture Iterations (slides) Demo
Feb 28 Lecture More Iterations and Simulations (slides) Demo
Feb 29 Labwork Lab 7: Loops in R
Mar 01 Shiny Shiny Friday: Top-n mtcars (continued) Video
Homework HW6: Iterations

Week 8

About Overview Unit 8: Regular Expressions
Mar 04 Lecture Regular Expressions, part 1 (slides) Demo
Mar 06 Lecture Regular Expressions, part 2 (slides) Demo
Mar 07 Labwork Lab 8: Intro to Regex
Mar 08 Lecture Regular Expressions (part 3) Demo
Homework Shiny App-1

Week 9

About Overview Unit 9: Text Mining 1
Mar 11 Lecture Text Mining, part 1 (slides) Demo
Mar 13 Lecture Text Mining, part 2 (slides) Demo
Mar 14 Labwork Lab 9a: More Regex
Labwork2 Lab 9b: Publishing a shiny app
Mar 15 Lecture Text Mining, part 3 Demo

Week 10

About Overview Unit 10: Text Mining 2
Mar 18 Lecture Sentiment Analysis (1) Demo
Mar 20 Lecture Sentiment Analysis (2) Demo
Lectur2 Correspondence Analysis
Mar 21 Labwork Lab 10: Text Mining
Mar 22 Lecture Correspondence Analysis (cont'd)
Homework Shiny App-2

Week Spring Recess

None None

Week 11

About Overview Unit 11: Geospatial Data 1
Apr 01 Lecture Mapping Storms (part 1) Demo
Apr 03 Lecture Mapping Storms (part 2) Demo
Apr 04 Labwork Lab 11: Maps
Apr 05 Lecture Guest Lecture: Wildfire in California by K. Shive

Week 12

About Overview Unit 12: Geospatial Data 2
Apr 08 Lecture Mapping Storms (part 3) Demo
Apr 10 Lecture Choropleth maps (1) Demo
Apr 11 Labwork Lab 12: Maps (part 2)
Apr 12 Lecture Choropleth maps (2) Demo
Homework Shiny App-3

Week 13

About Overview Unit 13: Web Tech 1
Apr 15 Lecture Web Tech 1 (slides) Demo
Apr 17 Lecture Web Tech 2 (slides) Demo
Apr 18 Labwork Lab 13: Bart API
Apr 19 Lecture Web Tech 3 (slides) Demo

Week 14

About Overview Unit 14: Web Tech 2
Apr 22 Lecture Web Scraping 1 (slides) Demo
Apr 24 Lecture Web Scraping (2) Demo
Apr 25 Labwork Lab 14: Web Scraping
Apr 26 Lecture Closing Talk

Week 15

About Overview RRR Week
Mar 03 Lecture Final Review

Week 16

May 06 Final Final Exam
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