Practice: Vectors (part 1)

Stat 133


Gaston Sanchez

Learning Objectives
  • Work with vectors of different data types
  • Understand the concept of coercion
  • Understand the concept of vectorization
  • Understand recycling rules in R

1 Terrestrial Planets

In this module, we are going to use data from so-called Terrestrial planets. These planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They are called like this because they are “Earth-like” planets in contrast to the Jovian planets that involve planets similar to Jupiter (i.e. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). The main characteristics of terrestrial planets is that they are relatively small in size and in mass, with a solid rocky surface, and metals deep in its interior.

planet gravity daylength temp moons haswater
Mercury 3.7 4222.6 167 0 FALSE
Venus 8.9 2802 464 0 FALSE
Earth 9.8 24 15 1 TRUE
Mars 3.7 24.7 -65 2 FALSE

2 Creating Vectors

The first step is to create vectors for each of the columns in the data table displayed above. For illustration purposes, we are going to assume the following data types:

  • planet: character vector

  • gravity: real (i.e. double) vector (\(m/s^2\))

  • daylength: real (i.e. double) vector (hours)

  • temp: integer vector (mean temperature in Celsius)

  • moons: integer vector (number of moons)

  • haswater: logical vector (whether has known bodies of liquid water on its surface)

2.1 Combine function c()

The most common way to create an R vector is with the combine function c(). Here’s an example:

jovians = c("Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune")
[1] "Jupiter" "Saturn"  "Uranus"  "Neptune"

2.1.1 Your Turn

  1. Create a character vector planets with the names of the Terrestrial planets.
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planets = c("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars")
  1. Use the combine function c() to make vectors gravity and daylength for the Terrestrial planets.
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gravity = c(3.7, 8.9, 9.8, 3.7)

daylength = c(4222.6, 2802, 24, 24.7)

2.1.2 Integer vectors

The creation of the temperature vector seems to be straightforward:

temp <- c(167, 464, 15, -65)
[1] 167 464  15 -65

But there is a catch. The issue is that the way temp was created is as a vector of type "double" instead of type "integer" as required:

[1] "double"

So how do you create integer vectors in R? You have to use a special notation for integer numbers. Here’s an example:

ints = c(2L, 4L, 6L)
[1] 2 4 6

Notice how we append an upper case L at the end of every numeric value. This is how you tell R to store such numbers as integers.

2.1.3 Your Turn

  1. Use the combine function to create integer vectors temp and moons for the Terrestrial planets. Inspect their data types, with typeof(), to confirm that they are integer vectors.
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temp = c(167L, 464L, 15L, -65L)

moons = c(0L, 0L, 1L, 2L)
  1. Use the combine function to create a logical vector (logical values are TRUE and FALSE) for the variable haswater.
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haswater = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)

3 Coercion

Now that we have various vectors—of different data types—to play with, let’s talk about Coercion which is what R does when you try to combine distinct data types into a single vector.

We have an integer vector ints

[1] 2 4 6

What happens if we combine ints with one or more double values? What is the data type of the new vector values?

values = c(ints, 8, 10)
[1]  2  4  6  8 10
[1] "double"

Can you guess why values is not of type "integer" anymore?

3.1 Your Turn

Inspect the data type of the following combination of vectors:

  1. combine planets with gravity
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typeof(c(planets, gravity))
  1. combine planets with temp
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typeof(c(planets, temp))
  1. combine planets with haswater
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typeof(c(planets, haswater))
  1. gravity with daylength
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typeof(c(gravity, daylength))
  1. combine gravity with temp
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typeof(c(gravity, temp))
  1. combine temp with moons
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typeof(c(temp, moons))
  1. combine temp with haswater
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typeof(c(temp, haswater))

Can you see a pattern?

4 Vectorization

In addition to coercion, another fundamental concept to learn about R vectors is that of vectorization. This is basically what R does when you apply a function or an operation to all the elements of a vector in a simultaneous way.

4.1 Vectorization Example

Here’s an example. Let’s bring back the integer vector ints, and suppose that we want to obtain the square root of all its elements. One option to do this is by taking the square root of each element in ints, one by one—separately—using the sqrt() function:

[1] 1.414214
[1] 2
[1] 2.44949

We haven’t talked about this yet, but notice how you refer to the elements in a vector by indicating their position: using square brackets [ ] with a numeric index for the position of the element you want to operate on.

Now, instead of having to repeat the same command three times, we can use the function sqrt() in a single call because it is a vectorized function. This means that sqrt() can compute the square root of all the elements in a vector simultaneously:

[1] 1.414214 2.000000 2.449490

Likewise, pretty much all arithmetic operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power, etc) are vectorized. For instance, say we want to add c(1,2,3) to ints, here’s how to do it with vectorized code:

ints + c(1, 2, 3)
[1] 3 6 9

4.2 Your Turn

  1. Refer to the vector gravity and create a new vector gravity_log by taking the logarithm, with log(), of the values in gravity
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gravity_log = log(gravity)
  1. Refer to the vectors moons and haswater. Try adding them and see what happens. What is R doing in this case?
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moons + haswater
  1. Refer to the vectors moons and haswater. Try subtracting them, e.g.  moons - haswater, and see what happens. What is R doing in this case?
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moons - haswater

5 Recycling

Related to vectorization, there is another important concept called recycling which has to do with what R does when you operate with two (or more) vectors of different length.

5.1 Recycling Example

Consider the vectors ints and values which, by the way, are of different length:

[1] 2 4 6
[1]  2  4  6  8 10

What if we try to add ints and values? Is this possible?

ints + values
Warning in ints + values: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter
object length
[1]  4  8 12 10 14

Yes, you can add two numeric vectors of different lengths such as ints plus values. Notice though that R gives a warning message along the lines of

longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length

This message tells you that the length of the longer vector, values, is not a multiple of the length of the shorter vector ints.

When computing ints + values, R is basically recycling or repeating some of the numbers in ints to match the length of values. To be more precise, here is what R is adding:

2L + 2 = 4
4L + 4 = 6
6L + 6 = 12
2L + 8 = 10
4L + 10 = 14

All the integer numbers come from ints whereas all the double numbers come from values.

5.2 Your Turn

  1. Refer to the vector daylength (measured in hours) and create a new vector dayminutes in which the units are expressed in minutes instead of hours.
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dayminutes = daylength * 60
  1. Refer to the vector temp (measured in Celsius degrees) and create a new vector temp2 in which the units are expressed in Fahrenheit degrees. The conversion factor from Celsius to Fahrenheit is:

\[ (1^{\circ}C × 9/5) + 32 = 33.8^{\circ}F \]

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temp2 = (temp * 9/5) + 32
  1. Use the power operator ^ to raise ints to the values of moons: e.g. ints^moons. If you get a warning, why is so? What is R doing behind this operation?
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# R gives a warning because the longer vector "moons" is not a
# multiple of the shorter vector "ints"