
UC Berkeley, STAT 133, Fall 2024



Instructor: Gaston Sanchez

Lecture: MWF 1pm-2pm in Stanley 105


  • Lab 101, Th 9am-11am, Evans 342 (GSI Dylan Webb)
  • Lab 102, Th 9am-11am, Evans 330 (GSI Calvin Carter)
  • Lab 103, Th 11am-1pm, Evans 342 (GSI Huong Vu)
  • Lab 104, Th 1pm-3pm, Evans 342 (GSI Calvin Carter)
  • Lab 105, Th 3pm-5pm, Evans 342 (GSI Dylan Webb)
  • Lab 106, Th 3:30pm-5:30pm, Evans 330 (GSI Huong Vu)

Code #: 22957

Units: 3

Final Exam: Wed Dec-18th, 7pm-10pm, location TBD.

Dates: Aug-28 / Dec-06

Stat 133 is an introductory-to-intermediate level course to computational data analysis with an emphasis on four major cornerstones:

Because Stat 133 is one of the core courses for Statistics majors, the underlying goal is to provide foundations for “computing with data” so that stat majors, as well as other data-dependent majors (e.g. Data Science, Applied Math, CogSci, Economics, etc), have the basic computational skills for subsequent upper division courses (e.g. Stat 150, 151A, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159).

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