# A tibble: 19,537 × 13
name year month day hour lat long status category wind pressure
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <int> <int>
1 Amy 1975 6 27 0 27.5 -79 tropical d… NA 25 1013
2 Amy 1975 6 27 6 28.5 -79 tropical d… NA 25 1013
3 Amy 1975 6 27 12 29.5 -79 tropical d… NA 25 1013
4 Amy 1975 6 27 18 30.5 -79 tropical d… NA 25 1013
5 Amy 1975 6 28 0 31.5 -78.8 tropical d… NA 25 1012
6 Amy 1975 6 28 6 32.4 -78.7 tropical d… NA 25 1012
7 Amy 1975 6 28 12 33.3 -78 tropical d… NA 25 1011
8 Amy 1975 6 28 18 34 -77 tropical d… NA 30 1006
9 Amy 1975 6 29 0 34.4 -75.8 tropical s… NA 35 1004
10 Amy 1975 6 29 6 34 -74.8 tropical s… NA 40 1002
# ℹ 19,527 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: tropicalstorm_force_diameter <int>,
# hurricane_force_diameter <int>
Main Idea
Assuming that you have an "sf"
(simple features) object (i.e. map data), you pass this to ggplot()
and use the geom_sf()